Suit Shoot Riot

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It’s been a few weeks since we rang in the New Year, but the celebration hasn’t been complete until Scott had a chance to don his new custom suit and strut around on his new home stage at Galapagos Art Space in DUMBO – site of the Season 3 Premiere on January 31. He got that chance last Saturday night before Galapagos’ Floating Kabarette, and with the help of Jenny Rocha and her Painted Ladies and some passing, Nikon-wielding tourist, he also managed to pull off the world’s quickest photo shoot.

Like the duds? Then you’ll love Alabaster & Chess. You can like them too, on Facebook (like us, while you’re at it).



The show’s first sponsor is already paying huge dividends! Scott stopped by Alabaster & Chess HQ this afternoon to try on his new suit, custom-fitted and designed to a T — right down to the logo patch! HOW SICK IS THAT? A slight adjustment in the chest and a  little lengthening of the sleeves, and this puppy is going to be ready for prime time.