SHOWTIME – Tonight!


Get 50% Off Tomorrow’s Ticket!

Wanna save some dough on Thursday’s show? Buy your ticket online and use access code MARTY to get what would otherwise be a $20 ticket for just $10! MARTY! Like the sidekick!

Sidekick Marty

Show 3.07 Now Available on YouTube!

Featuring The Kondabolu Brothers, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Mark Malkoff, Josh Gondelman, Rob Lathan, and “Marty Explains!”

Introducing new sponsor Grolsch and the Grolsch VIPod!

GrolschWe’re delighted to announce a new partnership with Grolsch, purveyors of fine Dutch beer since 1615. You know those beers! The ones with the swing-top bottles? They look like this: 


Thanks to their supreme, European kindness, Grolsch is making available 18 free VIP tickets to Thursday’s show! You’ll be sitting in the Grolsch VIPod, up front, getting lavished with complimentary Grolsch beer as you watch Scott and his guests down a few cold Grolsches on stage! There will be a lot of Grolsch being consumed by all, responsibly (for the most part). How to score the free tix? Simply be one of the first 18 people to share this banner on your Facebook wall:

Grolsch VIPod banner

So go to the Running Late’s Facebook page, find the banner, and share that shizz, toot sweet!

POSTERIZED — Show 3.12 with Simon Rich, Aviva Drescher

Show 3.12 poster